
class langsmith.schemas.FeedbackCreate[source]#

Bases: FeedbackBase

Schema used for creating feedback.

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises ValidationError if the input data cannot be parsed to form a valid model.

param comment: str | None = None#

Comment or explanation for the feedback.

param comparative_experiment_id: UUID | None = None#

If logged within a ‘comparative experiment’, this is the ID of the experiment.

param correction: str | dict | None = None#

Correction for the run.

param created_at: datetime | None = None#

The time the feedback was created.

param extra: Dict | None = None#

The metadata of the feedback.

param feedback_config: FeedbackConfig | None = None#
param feedback_group_id: UUID | None = None#

For preference scoring, this group ID is shared across feedbacks for each

run in the group that was being compared.

param feedback_source: FeedbackSourceBase [Required]#

The source of the feedback.

param id: UUID [Required]#

The unique ID of the feedback.

param key: str [Required]#

The metric name, tag, or aspect to provide feedback on.

param modified_at: datetime | None = None#

The time the feedback was last modified.

param run_id: UUID | None = None#

The associated run ID this feedback is logged for.

param score: StrictBool | StrictInt | StrictFloat | None = None#

Value or score to assign the run.

param session_id: UUID | None = None#

The associated project ID (Session = Project) this feedback is logged for.

param trace_id: UUID | None = None#

The associated trace ID this feedback is logged for.

param value: Dict | str | None = None#

The display value, tag or other value for the feedback if not a metric.